Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ending Poverty Join the push

On September 15, the UN’s development agency will host -- for the first time -- a live conversation on the global fight against poverty and the actions required to achieve sustainable development in the run-up to the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Summit. At the Summit, scheduled from 20-22 September in New York, world leaders will take stock of the MDGs, eight internationally-agreed targets that aim to substantially reduce poverty, hunger, maternal and child deaths, disease, inadequate access to water and sanitation, gender inequality and environmental degradation by 2015.
UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Kanni Wignaraja, JCTR among others discussed the millennium development goals on ZNBC and the noise that will follow during the period that the summit will be held in New York. Today they discuss the MDG number one......We call on young people to join in the push..

Friday, September 17, 2010

Access capital from CEEC

Citizen's Economic Empowerment Commission has revised its application forms for amounts below K50,000,000 and it has further relaxed conditions on collateral for the said amounts. These forms will be available next according to Mr Hakulipa CEEC coordinator for Southern Province. 
For SME's and Business led by the young people we urge you to take advantage of this and apply for the capital acquisition. Please note that the CEEC will as well give preferential procurements certificates that are as good as Zambia Public Procurement Authority formerly tender Board certificates. They are only K70,000, this will give you an urge on government procurement deals.
For further information call 

E-mail: richaka02@gmail.com
+260 97 735 0450

Youth Leaders Find Their Voice in Honduras

Youth Leaders in Action is a new initiative, helping give a voice to the voiceless in Honduras. Alongside other grassroots organizations, they are seizing the opportunity offered by new media technology to create a spontaneous mass social movement, despite the highly sensitive political climate.

Although the mainstream media has moved on from the military coup last year – during which elected President Manuel Zelaya was ousted from power – hundreds of independent online media sources have not.

Youth Leaders in Action recently established their own press department and created a blog, which has allowed them to release testimonials, upload interviews and publicize their own press statements documenting the human rights abuses committed against the gay community since the coup.

The initiative is being driven by a group of youth belonging to Tegucigalpa-based organization, APUVIMEH, which works to support those affected by HIV/Aids. The organization's base is also a space for 60 young LGBT people who attend a variety of youth empowerment and social activities every day of the week.