Friday, October 5, 2012


It is with utmost satisfaction that many people got to watch the most anticipated debate of this year, President Obama vs Mitt Romney. The two fine schooled men squired it off quiet well with Romney coming out smiling as winner, at least in the eyes of many bloggers and media houses. Many people were perplexed at the lack of confidence and loss of words by President Obama, who many regard as a natural public speaker and fine one. Well he did not shine on this day am sorry to say. Mitt Romney articulated issues according to what electorates wanted to hear even though he seems to be inconsistent with certain policy issues.

But what was the highlights of this anticipated debate, President Obama opened the debate with a casual reference to what to he expects from the date as opposed to Mitt all out attack on Obama's record and emphasizing the weakness in his leadership in the last 4 years. In order to look more humane and in touch with people's challenges, Mitt referred to a mother that came to him requesting for help in securing a job for her husband who  has not been on a permanent job for a couple of years. This shows how prepared the Republican candidate was in capturing emotional appeal from the citizens, then in went to elaborate his overall economic plan. President Obama was largely defending his policies of the last 4 years while making sure that he does not raise the temple of attack on Romney lest ye invites a similar approach, this is demonstrating by his continuous reference to common beliefs that the two candidates have. Well this strategy did not go well for the President, because the more he did that the more he Mitt room to back with other veracious attacks. This was debate was largely President Obama on defense and Mitt Romney on offence, this is the exact position that he placed his opponent four years ago. Sam Tanenhause, Editor of Book Review said, "the better known and more seasoned candidate had more to lose than his opponent" referring to a debut Presidential debate televised in 1960 between Vice President Richard Nixon and the challenger Senator John F. Kennedy. This situation could be related to the unseated composure that President Obama exhibited during the 2012 opening debate.

Look out for Part II

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Zambia Among the TOP Economies on GCI

The areas that Zambia needs to improve on is Productivity!! I keep on emphasizing Productivity.
Global Competitiveness Index 2012-2013: Africa rankings
CountryAfrica rankingOverall ranking 2012-2013 (of 144)
South Africa152
Gambia, The898
Cape Verde23122
Côte d'’Ivoire28131
Burkina Faso30133
Sierra Leone37143

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Unemployment a time bomb - sata

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says youths in Zambia will turn against the government if the high unemployment levels are not addressed immediately.

And President Sata says the Zimbabwean International Trade Fair he attended in Bulawayo recently was better organised than the one he officially opened in Ndola yesterday.

Speaking before the luncheon hosted in his honour sponsored by First Quantum Minerals (FQM) at Mukuba Hotel in Ndola yesterday, President Sata said it was unfortunate that he was invited to dine with investors when a majority of Zambians were going for many days without a meal.

He said he was disheartened to see thousands of youths fighting for recruitment in the Zambia Army when the government was previously pleading with citizens to join the defence forces.

"We cannot be here enjoying this lunch while the youths are fighting for employment. We should be ashamed as Zambians because in the past, the army brass band would have to perform to encourage youths to join them," President Sata said.

He said the unemployment levels in the country were a time bomb and warned that if nothing was done about it, youths would turn against the government.

"When you see children fighting over recruitment in the army, it means they
are warning us. If we are not careful, these young people will beat us one
day with these flags we are carrying on our vehicles," President Sata said during his address to senior government officials, exhibitors and organizers of the 2012 Zambia International Trade Fair.

"When we are sitting here and eating what First Quantum is giving us, let us think of how many of our relatives have gone for three days without a meal. Yesterday I was in Chama, I saw Mr.Tom Mtine's relatives, they are as thin as a thread. They don't even know when they last ate. And here we are eating. We don't even know what to do with what is going to remain."

He said Zambia would not survive if all stakeholders, both public and private, fail to join hands to end the high levels of unemployment among young people.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Released at 15 hours on 31st May 2012
The Monetary Policy Committee has maintained the BoZ Policy Rate at
The Monetary Policy Committee met today the 31st May 2012 to review recent
economic developments and assess the upside and downside risks to the endyear inflation target of 7.0%.
The Committee observed that  global economic growth  continues to be  weak
underpinned by the continued sovereign debt crisis affecting the Eurozone
economies.  Nonetheless, Zambia’s international trade performance is expected
to remain favourable in June 2012, mainly due to an expected increase in
merchandise export volumes. In addition, the  continued favourable
macroeconomic environment and the seasonal improvement in food supply will
all have a moderating effect on inflation.
In the money market, liquidity conditions are not expected to pose a threat to
inflation in the month of June 2012. Further, the improved supply of maize,
fish and fresh vegetables on account of seasonal factors and the expected
reduction in meat prices following the ban of maize and wheat bran exports will
have a dampening effect on food inflation.
Overall, the above developments are expected to mitigate the lagged passthrough effects of the depreciation of the Kwacha experienced in  recent
months. Given the foregoing, the Committee has weighted the risks to inflation
and has determined that inflation during the policy-relevant period would remain largely consistent with the end year target of 7.0%. Accordingly, the
Committee has decided to maintain the Bank of Zambia Policy Rate at 9.0% in
June 2012.
The next meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee to review the Bank of
Zambia Policy Rate will be held at the end of June 2012
Bank of Zambia
31st May 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Statement by the IMF Staff Mission at the Conclusion of a Visit to Zambia

Press Release No. 12/77
March 13, 2012
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission visited Lusaka February 29–March 13, 2012 to conduct discussions for the Article IV consultation.1 The mission had fruitful discussions with Hon. Alexander Chikwanda, Minister of Finance and National Planning; Dr. Michael Gondwe, Governor of the Bank of Zambia, and other senior officials as well as representatives from the private sector, civil society and labor unions.
At the conclusion of the visit in Lusaka today, Mr. Trevor Alleyne, mission chief for Zambia, released the following statement:
“Macroeconomic performance in 2011 was positive and is expected to remain robust this year. Real GDP growth is estimated at 6½ percent in 2011 and is projected at 7.7 percent this year, reflecting strong growth in copper production and non-maize agriculture, and an expansionary fiscal policy. Inflation declined to 7.2 percent at end-2011, broadly in line with the authorities’ target, and is projected to end this year close to its February 2012 level of 6.0 percent. The 2012 budget targets a widening of the fiscal deficit to 4.1 percent of GDP driven by a significant ramp up of investment. Despite copper prices rising to record highs, the external current account surplus narrowed substantially last year, mainly reflecting a strong expansion in imports and a decline in grants. For 2012, the current account surplus is projected to remain broadly unchanged, while gross international reserves are expected to continue to grow, reaching the equivalent of 3.3 months of prospective imports.
There are near-term downside risks arising from the uncertain prospects for the global economy and from domestic policies.Although the crisis in Europe has had little spillover to the Zambian economy to date, a further deterioration in global economic conditions could squeeze trade credit lines; reduce demand for Zambian exports; and lower copper prices. On the domestic front, policy measures will be needed to ensure that fiscal targets are met; and careful implementation of the planned financial sector reforms will be necessary to safeguard financial sector stability. On the other hand, Zambia’s solid macroeconomic management, the large investments in the copper sector, and recent strong growth in non-maize agriculture all auger well for the country’s ability to withstand global shocks and sustain the growth momentum into the future.
“Maintaining a positive investment climate for current and potential investors should be an important component of Zambia’s growth strategy. As traditional concessional financing phases out and Zambia relies increasingly on international markets and foreign direct investment, it will be important for the government to implement and communicate clearly a consistent set of policies related to foreign investment. This will enhance Zambia’s international reputation as a destination for investment flows by reducing uncertainty.
“Despite the favorable macroeconomic results, there is an urgent need to re-orient policies to ensure that economic growth and macroeconomic stability are accompanied by strong employment growth and poverty reduction. Looking forward, it will be important for the Government to implement policies to diversify the economy and ensure that growth is more inclusive. Key areas will include: (1) tax policy, tax administration, and public financial management to create fiscal space for increased infrastructure spending and improve technical capacity to efficiently administer a larger capital budget; (2) maize marketing and pricing policies and the development of a broad-based reform strategy for the agricultural sector; (3) increasing access to financial services by small and medium enterprises without jeopardizing financial sector stability; and (4) removing the incentives for the proliferation of informal business and employment arrangements.”
The 2012 Article IV discussion by the IMF’s Executive Board is expected to take place in May, 2012.

1 Under Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral discussions with members, usually every year. A staff team visits the country, collects economic and financial information, and discusses with officials the country's economic developments and policies. On return to headquarters, the staff prepares a report, which forms the basis for discussion by the Executive Board. At the conclusion of the discussion, the Managing Director, as Chairman of the Board, summarizes the views of Executive Directors, and this summary is transmitted to the country's authorities.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Funding Opportunity

The Cities Alliance, a global partnership for urban poverty reduction and the promotion of the role of cities in sustainable development has issued its second call for proposals under its Catalytic Fund.
The theme under which the funding would be provided is “Youth and the City: Challenges of and Visions for Demographic Change.”
The thematic call has three main objectives in line with the ‘catalytic’ nature of the Fund:
  • To raise awareness of the role of youth in urban development at a time when cities, grappling with an historic urbanisation process, appear ill-prepared to provide improved governance, meaningful representation, or economic and social roles for their youthful populations.
  • To select and support, both technically and financially, innovative youth-focused urban projects and to revisit traditional Cities Alliance areas such as city development strategies, slum upgrading and national policies on urban development with an emphasis on youth.
  • To provide a flexible platform for successful projects to develop peer-to-peer learning networks and to systematically extract and share knowledge that both informs and influences urban practices as well as policy dialogues at the local, national and global level.
The proposed project must be implemented in countries that are on the OECD DAC List of Aid Recipients.
Grant size requests must be limited to between US $50,000 – US $250,000.


Network Dept

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Funding opportunity

The Government of Sweden has decided to continue the special initiative for democratisation and freedom of expression launched in 2009. The initiative aims at supporting actors for change, individuals, groups and civil society organisations working for democratisation and freedom of expression.
The objective of this Call for Proposals is improved conditions for actors for change to work for enhanced democratisation and freedom of expression. The interventions shall contribute to improved conditions and increased opportunities for actors for change to work for enhanced democratisation and freedom of expression and the reduction of various forms of discrimination and oppression.
Sida invites organisations and other relevant actors to submit a Full Application for programmes/projects which might be considered under this support mechanism. Please read theGuidelines for Applicants (pdf). The Full Application Format and its Annexes can be downloaded from this page, to the right.

Application deadline April, 15

This Call for Proposals is open 9 March – 15 April 2012. Applications submitted beyond this deadline will not be considered.
Questions can be sent to


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Zambia – the new bread basket of Africa?

A recent Reuters article reports that Zambia has enough maize stocks to help partly fill a regional gap as a supply crunch looms in southern Africa, pushing up futures prices for the staple and accelerating food inflation.
It is exporting to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Botswana, Burundi and Namibia. “We are monitoring the situation very carefully to ensure that we don’t end up importing maize. I think we are standing on very firm ground in terms of food security,” Zambia’s agriculture minister Emmanuel Chenda said, striking a rather cautionary tone. “We had more than one million tonnes of surplus maize. We decided to export 600,000 tonnes because we didn’t have storage space and so far we have sold 200,000 tonnes,” he said.
Analysts are, however, concerned about Lusaka’s costly spend on maize purchases from farmers, done via the Food Reserve Agency. Brian Tembo, an Economics Association of Zambia analyst, said the government was buying the maize at above market prices and selling it at reduced prices. He said this meant the government was effectively using “treasury funds to subsidise the region”.
Zambia harvested 3m tonnes of maize in the 2010/11 season, from 2.8m tonnes the previous season. Zambia’s maize season runs from October to August. The country’s big yields have been attributed to government subsidies to peasant farmers in the form of fertiliser and seeds. However, the crop ultimately depends on rain and the agriculture minister has said the 2011/12 season had gotten off to a bad start because of erratic weather.
South African maize prices are around record highs as stocks remain tight until the next marketing season starts in May. South Africa has so far imported from Zambia and Romania and producers say the country may need to import about 700,000 tonnes of white and yellow maize to make up for shortfalls. “There are some people that are getting desperate to try and find some maize … On the white maize side, we are definitely in for a very tough time between now and May,” Jannie de Villiers, Grain SA’s chief executive, said.
South Africa previously had a surplus, but new demand came from outside of the region and so the market overcommitted itself.
Over in Malawi, maize exports have been suspended after reports that 10 of its 28 districts faced food shortages. “We want to make sure that we have enough in stock for distribution to the affected families. We have set aside 400,000 tonnes to distribute to an estimated 200,000 families,” said Erica Maganga, principal secretary in ministry of agriculture.
Malawi’s maize harvest fell to 3.2m tonnes in the 2010/11 season from 3.5m tonnes the season before. Maize prices have jumped by almost 50% to USD 18 per 50 kg bag.
It is clear that food security remains a challenge that sub-Saharan African governments need to address. Zambia’s effort towards increasing yields by subsidising small-scale farmers is commendable and perhaps other regional governments should follow suit. However, bumper harvests should also be managed well to ensure consistent food supply in future periods.
In a presentation by MACO MLF-Zambia in January 2010, they highlighted Zambia’s agricultural potential, stating that only 14% of arable land was being utilised. Moreover, the country has abundant water resources to ensure all-year round agricultural production. We believe the country should develop the agricultural sector further so as to reduce its dependence on copper mining.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Economic Watch

According to the World Trade Organization, trade represented 74.5% of Zambia’s GDP from 2005-2007.  In 2008, merchandise exports totaled over $5 billion while merchandise imports totaled over $5.1 billion.  In 2007, commercial services exports totaled $279 million while commercial services imports totaled $886 million.
Note:  The information in this snapshot can help identify trade factors that may impact investments in Zambia.  For example, the higher the Trade-to-GDP ratio the greater sensitivity Zambia’s economy might have to global economic, trade, and financial fluctuations. Also, changes in economies or industries of key trading partners may trigger changes in Zambia’s economy and industries. RT AfriBiZ.
Major Imports and Exports
According to the International Trade Centre, the top five export categories for Zambia in 2008, along with percentage of total exports, were:
  1. Copper and articles of copper (64.3%)
  2. Ores, slag, and ash (15.1%)
  3. Other base metals, cermets, and articles thereof (5.9%)
  4. Tobaccco and manufactured tobacco substitutes (1.4%)
  5. Sugars and sugar confectionery (1.3%)
According to the International Trade Centre, the top five import categories for Zambia in 2008, along with percentage of total imports, were:
  1. Boilers, machinery, nuclear reactors, etc. (16.6%)
  2. Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc. (16.1%)
  3. Vehicles other than railway (9.7%)
  4. Ores, slag, and ash (8.4%)
  5. Electrical and electronic equipment (9.5%)
Major Trading Partners
The top three countries to which Zambia exports merchandise, along with percentage of exports, are:
  1. China (14.2%)
  2. South Africa (8.5%)
  3. Democratic Republic of Congo (8.1%)
The top three countries which import merchandise to Zambia, along with percentage of imports, are:
  1. South Africa (51.7%)
  2. United Arab Emirates (8%)
  3. China (6.8%)
Please note that DRC is yet another important trading partner with Zambia, we would be doing ourselves a big favor if we continued to help DRC get on its feet, its a huge market for Zambian products.