Sunday, June 19, 2011

Livingstone City Council's leadership Problems

DEYOS-ZAMBIA takes this opportunity to express sadness with the level of inconsistent that the Livingstone City council and its Councillors have subjected the residents to, it is with regret that the electorate that entrusted their civic affairs in the hands of of their representatives  have suffered from their own creation. Councillors are supposed to be the most organized, coordinated, and effective leaders because they are within reach of people.

But to the contrary Livingstone City has been subjected to mediocre kind of leadership for the last 2 years in the Councillors, they have not only put the name of the City in disrepute but it their crisis mode for the last 2 years has stalled development and basic public services they where supposed to be offering to the public...Calls fro them to resign have foreign on deaf ears and as such we await the dissolution of parliament and all electable portfolios so as to pave way for election in Livingstone and the entire country, to this effect we urge all Livingstone residents to  vote wisely on the said Councillors.


Governance and Democracy program

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